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MentorNet’s Objectives

Our objectives are to provide ALL STEM students in the United States with access to effective mentorships in a vibrant community committed to student success; to develop a scalable mentoring platform that combines the technology of social networks with the social science of mentoring; and to deliver evidence-based programs that address the critical issues impacting STEM student success.

Our new scalable platform for mentoring combines the technology of social networks with the social science of mentoring. Our platform permits us to strategically match STEM students and professionals in compatible mentoring relationships, deliver evidence-based programs that address the issues impacting retention and success in STEM fields, and conduct controlled studies and evaluation to identify and verify factors that impact student success.

Our Vision and Mission

MentorNet envisions a “Diverse 21st Century STEM Workforce” in which all citizens contribute to innovation and experience prosperity. MentorNet’s mission is to foster a prevalent culture of mentoring in STEM that empowers individuals to persist and succeed in their fields.